A parents and citizens association (P&C) is a school based organisation consisting of parents, teachers and interested citizens established under the guidelines of the Education Act 1990.
A key role identified in the education act is for the P&C to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
Parents and citizens association meetings
Our P&C meets on the 3rd and the 8th Monday of each term at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
How do we raise funds?
We ask the following contributions from the parents of Hornsby North Public School:
- term one - $100 per family
- term three- $50 per family
We also raise fund through our fundraising and P&C run services. These include:
- election day bbq and cake stall
- school disco
- mothers day stall
- autumn fair
- father day stall
- one off fundraisers
- canteen
- uniform shop
How do we spend the money raised?
Our P&C contributes our money raised to the following areas:
- english resources
- sport programs
- science program
- student awards
Our P&C has also helped fund special items for the school. In the recent years we have agreed to help fund:
- a roof for the basketball/tennis court
- landscaping and playground equipment
- interactive whiteboards
- computers