14 Nov 2023

We're ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students do well in our public schools and embrace their linguistic diversity. The NSW Department of Education recognises that some families may speak Aboriginal English or traditional Aboriginal languages at home. Learning more than one language can improve memory, problem-solving skills, focus, and creativity. If needed, we can provide multilingual students additional support at school.
In our schools, students may speak various languages at home, including:
Traditional Aboriginal languages.
Standard Australian English (SAE), which is used for teaching and learning in schools.
Aboriginal English, a dialect used by Aboriginal people across Australia, which differs from the SAE taught in schools.
Support in our classrooms
To support students who speak Aboriginal languages or Aboriginal English:
Teachers will help students understand the difference between SAE and their Aboriginal language or dialect.
Teachers can receive training to understand the learning needs of students who speak Aboriginal English, creating a learning environment responsive to different cultures that benefits all students.
Get support
To receive additional literacy support for our child, inform your child's school of the languages or dialects spoken at home.
If you're enrolling your child or updating their enrolment information, include the languages or dialects spoken at home on their enrolment form.
Contact your school and speak to the Aboriginal Education officer or principal to discuss your child's linguistic background and any extra support they may need.
Find out more
Learn more about how we support Aboriginal education in NSW public schools.